
Retired Men's Association of Greenwich Dedicated to good fellowship, community service, and fun

Policies & Procedures Manual

The Policies & Procedures Committee is an ad hoc committee formally called into being by the Second Vice President.  As the RMA evolves, its Policies and Procedures Manual should evolve to reflect current RMA practices.

Each Officer and Committee Chairman should review the section of the Manual that relates to their area of responsibility and recommend revisions to the Manual to the Second Vice President.  If these changes appear to be reasonable, the Second Vice President should call a meeting of the President and Vice Presidents to consider them.  The Second Vice President is responsible for reviewing the Manual periodically to make sure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

Policies and Procedures Manual, current

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Approved by the Board of Directors on September 6, 2017

Table of Contents


About Us1

Non-Partisan and Non-Sectarian Policies2

Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws2

Anniversary of the RMA2



RMA Weekly Meetings & Board Meetings3

Meeting Cancellation Policy3



First Vice President4

Second Vice President4

Third Vice President4



Committee Operations - General5

Website and OneDrive Archive6


Audit Committee6

Cigar Box Bulletin6

Membership Committee6

Program Committee9

Publicity Committee9

Special Events Committee10

Volunteer Committee10


Corresponding Secretary11

Health Committee12


Information Technology (IT)12


Meeting Safety & Emergency Response14

Melody Men14


Music & Song15

Policies & Procedures15


Set Up & Property (Bulletin Board)15

Television Production Team (The "Producers")16

Visiting Committee16


Activities: Sports & Recreation17


RMA Dinner17

Annual Picnic19


Nominating Council20

Past Presidents Association20

Past Presidents Award21

Outstanding Service Award21


A – Form of Agenda for Regular Meetings21

B – President's Monthly Reminders; May 1 - April 3023

C – Committees & Activities of the RMA25

D - CBB Format26

E – Membership Form29


About Us

It would be difficult to find a more active group than the Retired Men's Association of Greenwich, Inc. (“RMA”). Although retired (or semi-retired) from careers in business, the professions, the arts and trades, the men who comprise the total membership actively enjoy the friendly associations and address their talents and interests to the needs of the community in the three-pronged approach of "Volunteerism, Fellowship and Service."

Informally organized in March, 1954 as the "Coffee Hour Club," the Association adopted its name "The Retired Men's Association of Greenwich" in October of that year. In February of 2011, the organization incorporated and changed its name to "The Retired Men's Association of Greenwich, Inc."

While dedicated to the triangle "Fellowship, Service and Volunteerism," it is in the concept of Volunteerism in which the RMA merges its purposes. The Greenwich community is in great need of volunteers in numerous areas, and the RMA has a proud history of energetically acting to fulfill these needs. Incoming members are strongly urged and encouraged to participate in volunteer activities. Volunteer service by RMA members provides very substantial assistance to our local communities and is much appreciated and recognized by community leaders.  We have achieved levels in excess of 35,000 hours in a single year and encourage all members to volunteer and report their hours to the RMA.

The RMA is politically non-partisan, non-sectarian, committed to honoring flag and country, and supportive of volunteerism to profit and non-profit organizations serving the Greenwich community.

Meetings are held every Wednesday morning, currently at the First Presbyterian Church, 1 West Putnam Ave, Greenwich, CT. After a brief business meeting regarding the previous week's activity and coming events, there is a coffee and pastry break for fellowship and friendship renewal.

Immediately after the coffee-break, a member of the Program Committee introduces a speaker whom the Committee has carefully selected. Speakers may be prominent citizens, representatives of government, business leaders, educators, sports and entertainment personalities. The entire Greenwich community (male and female) is cordially invited, and encouraged to attend this portion of the meeting.

The Highlight of the Year is the RMA Annual Dinner. This major mid-day get-together for members, wives, sweethearts, and widows is held at a local club, and is an occasion for renewing friendships in a delightful setting, often with entertainment by The Melody Men, a review of the year's events, and a sumptuous meal. Awards are presented for service to the community and for service to the RMA. It is a well-remembered occasion. 

The RMA operates under a Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws, both of which have been approved by the Board of Directors and the Membership.  These documents can be found on the RMA website under "Useful Links." This Policies and Procedures Manual is intended to manage the everyday business of the organization, and to serve as guidelines for the Officers and Committee Chairmen in carrying out their responsibilities.  All material in this Manual must comply with the RMA Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws.

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Vice Presidents should see that each Chairman of a Committee under his jurisdiction is familiar with this Manual and receives a write-up of his area of responsibility. Later in the year, these Chairmen will be called upon to make any revisions that they feel are necessary and submit these changes to the Chairman of the Policy & Procedures Committee. Any recommendations for significant changes should also be submitted to the President for his consideration. The Second Vice President is responsible for reviewing the Manual annually to make sure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

Non-Partisan and Non-Sectarian Policies 

The RMA shall be non-partisan, non-sectarian. Violations of this policy could occur at a regular meeting of the RMA or be stated publicly in the name of the RMA.  Violations of this Policy should be bought to the attention of the President, who is responsible for initiating prompt corrective action. 

Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws 

A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws shall be maintained on the RMA website, 

The Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws Committee, to be established from time to time by the President and who reports directly to him, shall be on call to review any changes to these documents. Any Member may propose an amendment by submitting it in writing to the President for consideration by the Board of Directors and the Membership.   The President shall submit such amendment to this Committee, who shall make a recommendation to the Board of Directors.  If approved by the Board of Directors, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to a vote by the Membership.

Anniversary of the RMA 

The RMA was formally organized on October 13, 1954. Therefore, this date will be recognized each year on the 2nd Wednesday in October, or as near thereto as practicable, in a manner decided by the President. 


Below on the left is the official Banner of the RMA. The Banner is to be displayed at every meeting. 

RMA Banner   RMA Logo


The logo above on the right was approved by the Board of Directors on August 7, 1996 and subsequently by the Membership. The logo will be used on RMA stationery, programs, certificates and other official documents as authorized by the Board.

The logo does not replace the RMA banner. The logo may be used in a single color, dispensing with multiple colors when this is deemed acceptable by the President.

RMA Weekly Meetings & Board Meetings 

All meetings are conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. A suggested agenda for conducting regular meetings is set forth on Attachment A, “Form of Agenda for Regular Meeting.”

The suggested time frame for the regular meetings is: 

  • 10:00 AM to 10:40 AM ----Business 

  • 10:40 AM to 11:00 AM ----Refreshments 

  • 11:00 AM to 11:55 AM ---- Speaker programs 

  • 11:55 AM to 12:00 Noon --Closing remarks by the Program Committee member in charge of the Program for that day.

Circumstances may, from time to time, require adjustment of the foregoing time frame and, should such be necessary, timely notice of same shall be given by the President to the Membership. 

Ending of the regular meeting shall be no later than 12:00 Noon. The Program Chairman, or the person in charge of the program for that day, is responsible for controlling the timing, such as: leaving time for questions, limiting the questions in length, and ending the program, no later than 11:55 AM, for closing remarks and dismissal of the members. The time for the closing remarks must also allow time for presentation of the Certificate of Appreciation.

A meeting of the RMA Board of Directors will be held once a month, on the first Wednesday of each month, one hour before the regularly scheduled RMA meeting.

The Board meeting schedule will be established and announced to Board members at the first meeting of the newly elected Board. A summer schedule may exclude certain months, and the President may call special meetings of the Board, as and when necessary.

Meeting Cancellation Policy 

Cancellation of any meeting will be automatic on those days that the Greenwich Public School System closes because of inclement weather. School closing announcements and the RMA meeting cancellation notice are broadcast over radio station WGCH and the Greenwich Time web site,

The President or his designee will contact the meeting room provider, WGCH, key members of the RMA, and those who maintain the RMA’s email distribution list, to advise them that the scheduled meeting for that day has been canceled.

If the Greenwich schools announce a delayed start, as opposed to cancellation, the RMA meeting will occur at the usual time and place. In the event that the schools are not in session on a day that requires a decision as to whether or not to cancel the meeting because of inclement weather, then the President, or his designee, will make the decision based on his best judgment.  If the meeting is to be canceled, the procedure outlined above should be followed. 


President: The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the RMA and shall preside at all Membership and Board meetings and perform such other duties usually pertaining to his office. He shall designate the Chairmen of Appointed and Ad Hoc Committees. In case the President is not available, the ranking Vice-President shall assume the duties of President.  A list of the President’s Monthly Reminders is annexed hereto as Attachment B. 

First Vice President: The First Vice President, under the direction of the President, shall be the Chairman of the Annual Dinner and as Coordinator of the Standing and Appointed Committees and Activities listed under his jurisdiction on Attachment C, “Committees and Activities of the RMA.”

Second Vice President: The Second Vice President, under the direction of the President, shall serve as Vice-Chairman of the Annual Dinner Committee and as Coordinator of the Standing and Appointed Committees and Activities listed under his jurisdiction on Attachment C, “Committees and Activities of the RMA.”

Third Vice President: The Third Vice President, under the direction of the President, shall serve as Chairman of the Annual Picnic, and as Coordinator of the Standing and Appointed Committees and Activities listed under his jurisdiction on Attachment C, “Committees and Activities of the RMA.”

All Vice-Presidents shall perform such additional duties and perform such additional assignments as the President may wish to delegate.

Treasurer: The Treasurer has the responsibility for receipt and disbursement of all funds pertaining to RMA activities. General purpose RMA funds are collected weekly at meetings through the Cigar Box and other receipts and donations to the RMA. Custodial funds are collected for specific events such as the Annual Dinner, recreational outings controlled by the Special Events Chairman, and periodic events sponsored by ROMEO, Golf, and other RMA special interest groups. Funds are deposited by the Treasurer into two bank accounts designated “Operating Account” and “Special Events Account”, which are maintained to service the varying nature of these respective fund categories.

The Treasurer will also maintain a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws, and custodial control over any contracts (i.e., insurance, rental or space agreements), and keep Board members apprised of payments and due-dates of all such agreements. The Treasurer will be responsible for the preparation and filing of any reports required by Federal and State Authorities including, but not limited to, Form 990 EZ, Report of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, and the annual registration and filing with the Connecticut Secretary of State. Expenditure of RMA funds is made by check upon receipt of invoices or other adequate evidence submitted to the Treasurer after approval by the responsible Committee Chairman or Officer. The Treasurer maintains records needed to ensure that proper accountability and control is maintained for each function.

At each monthly meeting of the Board of Directors, the Treasurer will submit a financial report, typically one page, detailing comparative fiscal year-to-date summary result incorporating statistical comparisons relating current year result to the previous year and the year-to-date budget.  The Treasurer shall provide copies to the members of the Board either by email prior to the monthly meeting, or hard copies at the meeting. Sufficient copies should be prepared to supply all attendees at the Monthly Board Meeting.  Alternatively, the Treasurer, at his option, may e-mail the report directly to Board members who shall make a copy and bring it to the meeting. A copy is to be displayed on the Bulletin Board and furnished to any RMA member upon request. 

As soon as practicable after May 1, the Treasurer shall make a report to the Board comparing the current RMA financial status with that of the previous year, and shall subsequently make such annual report available to the membership. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget based upon previous history of income and expenditures and anticipated ones for the coming year. This budget shall be presented to the Board of Directors for review in June and shall be acted on at the next Board meeting in July. After such action, the proposed budget shall be presented to a regular meeting of the Members for approval by vote.  The following records shall be retained by the Treasurer: completed cash books; all cancelled checks; Treasurer’s annual report.

Secretary: The Secretary shall record and distribute the minutes of all Board of Directors meetings to all Board members. He shall keep on file an official copy, either hard or digital, of the Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws and this Manual. He is also responsible for preparing, publishing and distributing the official list of Officers and, Directors, and any other correspondence or documents as requested by the President. 

Committee Operations - General

The activities of the RMA are carried out by its committees, namely its Standing Committees and its Appointed Committees. Special ad hoc committees may also be appointed from time to time by the President for a specific purpose.

 The basic duties of the Committees are covered in the By-Laws (Articles 14 and 15) and in this Manual.

The general operations of all committees shall be as follows: 

  • Each committee must consist of at least two members. 

  • The Chairman shall provide the names of Committee members to the responsible Coordinator by the first Wednesday in May. 

  • Reports to the membership should be made by the Chairman or his designee. 

  • All Vice Presidents must present an Annual Report to the membership, at the last meeting in April for those Committees for which they act as Coordinator. 

  • All Chairmen are expected to keep records of their activities. These should be turned over to their successors at the last meeting in April. Some Chairmen may wish to prepare a special policies and procedures memo on how certain activities are to be conducted by their committee. 

  • Controversial matters of any nature should be referred to the Board of Directors. 

Each Committee (Standing, Appointed, or Special) shall be under the direct supervision of either the President or one of the Vice Presidents, as more specifically listed on Attachment C.  Furthermore, the President is assigned direct responsibility for the following committees: Recruitment of New Members; Contractual Matters—Meeting room and Facilities, Insurance. The chairman of each Standing Committee shall be nominated by the Nominating Council and elected by the Membership. The chairman of each Appointed Committee shall be selected by the President in consultation with the First, Second, and Third Vice Presidents. Each of the vice presidents is responsible for assuring the efficient and effective functioning of their respective committees.

The chairman of a committee should consult on a regular basis with and report any material changes to the appropriate Coordinator, and he in turn to the President.  Each chairman should also see that an appropriate succession is in place in each committee. The list below shows the committees and the responsible officer.

Website and OneDrive Archive

Kindly note that many instructions, forms, Activity lists, volunteer names and similar types of information may now be found on the RMA website or in the OneDrive Archive.  Formerly much of this information was contained within this Manual but with technological advances Members in search of information pertaining to the RMA are now directed to either or both of these sources which should yield the information sought.   


The RMA currently has seven Standing Committees.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee shall audit the financial records at the end of each fiscal year and report its findings to the Membership as soon as possible.  The Audit Committee will report its findings to the Board of Directors and the Membership not later than July 1 following its audit.

Cigar Box Bulletin

The CIGAR BOX BULLETIN (“CBB”) is the official record of all matters covered at each regular meeting. It includes official notices, announcements, matters voted on (or to be voted on) by the Membership, committee reports, scores of games and sports and a summary of the program speaker's talk as well as a listing of forthcoming trips and special events. The CBB Weekly editors shall comprise the CBB Committee with one of their number being Chairman and they shall follow in outline the format annexed hereto as Attachment D, but shall have the flexibility in the preparation of all copy to more accurately reflect what occurs at the meeting and the activities of the RMA.  The CBB shall be distributed by email and in hard copy as determined from time to time by the CBB Chairman who shall likewise arrange for proofreading of the particular week’s edition as he deems appropriate in order to maximize its accuracy.

Membership Committee

Listed below is a description of the Membership Committee’s duties and responsibilities.

Membership Chairman

The Membership Chairman must see to it that accurate up-to-date records pertaining to the membership are properly prepared and maintained and that all designated procedures are followed. He is also responsible for initiating any action needed to ensure that a climate for encouraging prospective candidates to seek full membership is created.  

Prospective Member Procedures

He must attend two full business meetings as a candidate during a six-month period.  At meetings he attends, although they need not be in succession, he must register as a guest and be recognized during that day's membership report and ideally mentioned in that week's Cigar Box Bulletin.  Upon completing his obligation as a candidate, he becomes eligible for induction as an active member during his third meeting. 

A copy of the current forms relating to the Membership process is attached hereto as Attachment E.   The Membership Chairman shall be responsible for revising and updating such forms, as and when necessary. 

Induction to Membership

A Candidate must attend at least three meetings (not necessarily consecutive) as a Candidate before being considered for induction into the RMA. The Membership Chairman notifies the Candidate of his eligibility for membership and his proposed date of induction. It is the candidate's responsibility to see that his sponsors are notified and available for his planned induction date. Only one induction is planned for a given meeting unless special permission is given by the President. Any circumstances pertaining to the induction of a Candidate, other than those described above, must be referred to the Board of Directors for decision. Any Member whose membership has lapsed and requests reinstatement may renew his membership by paying his annual dues, and need not reapply to be a Member. 

Induction Procedures

  • The Membership Chairman, acting as emcee, invites the Candidate and his sponsors to the podium and briefly introduces the Candidate.  He then invites the two Sponsors to speak in support of their endorsements of him.  Prior to the induction, the President has been provided with a copy of the Candidate’s Application Form, together with a Presentation Folder which contains a welcoming letter from the President and a Permission form which allows the Member to grant or deny his permission to have an illness or hospital stay announced in a meeting.

  • The Candidate is voted on for membership.

  • The Membership Chairman then calls upon the President (or Presiding Officer) to make appropriate remarks, deliver the Presentation Folder to the newly inducted Member, and see to it that he receives his White Name Tag. The President then invites the new Member to make brief acceptance remarks.

  • The Membership Chairman will provide the editor of the Cigar Box Bulletin with and the Program Committee Chairman with a copy of the inductee’s e-mail address to ensure his inclusion on the CBB mailing List and the weekly flyers of the Program Committee.

Procedure Governing Membership Status

There is only one type of membership, and that is "Active." All Active members are required to pay their dues by May 1st each year. Checks for dues (currently $90.00/ per annum) should be mailed to: Greenwich RMA, Inc. c/o Membership Chairman, 37 Lafayette Place, Greenwich, CT 06830. Alternatively, payment may be made by check, in person, to the Membership Chairman at any regular Wednesday meeting.

Newly inducted members are required to pay a pro-rated dues based on the month they are inducted. The Membership Chairman will update the President as to any member who has not paid his dues by June 1, and the President will refer the matter of non-payment to the Board for consideration and such action as the Board deems appropriate.

Membership Roster

The Membership Chairman is responsible for maintaining a current roster of Members, including name, nickname, spouse’s name, date of birth, phone number, home address and email address. He shall also notify the person responsible for distributing the weekly flyer and the person maintaining the CBB Mailing List of any changes to the Membership Roster and CBB lists. "Changes" include changes of address, telephone numbers, death of a spouse, additions of New Members and Candidates, and any change in membership status. Members are responsible for giving the Chairman applicable information about changes of address and any change in their e-mail address.

The roster shall in no event be circulated for any use outside of the RMA. Its use within the RMA by an RMA Committee or authorized individual provided, however, that any Member may request that his name and other identifying information not be disclosed.  A Member shall be entitled to a copy of the current roster upon request.

Identification Badges

The Membership Committee will prepare a White, computer-generated Identification Badge for every Member. A similar, hand-lettered badge in a color other than white is issued to Candidates, and a "stick-on" badge, also hand-lettered, is given to Prospective Candidates and other visitors. To help Candidates and Members identify and more easily approach current RMA officers and Past Presidents, their titles are included on color-coded Identification Badges as determined from time to time by the Membership Chairman. 

Members and Attendance

At the end of each meeting, designated Membership Committeemen collect and return Identification Badges. Before the start of each meeting, all ID badges are displayed in alphabetical order for Members to pick up.

The Membership Chairman shall make a weekly announcement of Members' birthdays

Reports-To-Membership: Procedures

Each week the Membership Chairman or his designee reports the following at the Membership meeting:

  • Attendance count by membership status. This includes Members, Candidates and Guests. Candidates are acknowledged by name and Guests by "stand-up" recognition.

  • A list of those having birthdays on the meeting date and in the week to come are reported and acknowledged by a membership rendition of "Happy Birthday." A birthday cake is presented to members (if present) celebrating their 90th, 95th, or 100th birthday. The Membership Chairman must: (a) notify the Refreshment Committee in time for the cake to be ordered; and (b) contact the honoree to ensure his presence at the appropriate meeting. Members, themselves, are responsible for notifying the Membership Committee of their 50th Wedding Anniversary if they wish it to be acknowledged.

  • There will be a sign-up sheet for "Returnees" - those who have been away from the greater Greenwich area or who have been ill or hospitalized, so that the President may extend Welcome Back greetings.


The Membership Chairman is authorized to handle all correspondence specifically pertaining to the status of individual memberships.

Program Committee

The Program Committee shall be responsible for providing the Program for the second hour at all regular meetings. The Program Committee usually meets at 9 AM on the second Wednesday of each month to review program dates planned, discuss possible future programs, and assign to a committee member the responsibility for each program. RMA Programs are typically a speaker. Usually the Committee member who suggests a speaker, or the member who knows the speaker best, will invite the speaker and handle the program for the day.  The Committee Member responsible for a particular program (the “Presenter”) shall arrange for an appropriate substitution should the scheduled speaker cancel or otherwise not appear.

An hour program is planned for every Wednesday meeting in the year except for the one on which the Annual Dinner is scheduled. 

The Program Committee Chairman shall provide copies of program schedules for each Committee member to keep current on upcoming programs and dates thereof. An announcement is made by the Program Chairman, or his designated representative, at each RMA meeting describing the program for that day and for the next meeting.

The RMA Certificate of Appreciation is given by the Presenter to the speaker at the end of the program when the program speaker is not a member of RMA. A copy of the current form of Certificate of Appreciation can be found in the Archive.

The Program Committee is encouraged to reach out to other senior men’s Clubs in Fairfield County and thereby expand the pool of outside speakers to the benefit of the RMA. 

A Vice Chairman shall be appointed by the Chairman to act in the latter’s absence or alternatively there may be co-Chairmen of the Committee.

Publicity Committee

The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for publicizing the various activities of the RMA to the Membership, the press and the community at large.  The Publicity Committee shall also secure the involvement of the RMA in various aspects of community life to promote the greater interaction between the RMA and the community at large.  To this end, it will:

  • Develop positive relationships with the press and other media outlets to publicize RMA events including, but not limited to, the RMA Speaker Series, the Melody Men, and other achievements of the RMA and its members.

  • Maintain relationships with other community service organizations in Town and with Town government, to identify activities of mutual interest and benefit, and bring same to the attention of the RMA membership.

  • Use its publicity efforts to bring the benefits of RMA membership to the attention of interested senior men in Greenwich to encourage new members to join; working with the Membership Committee in this regard.

  • 4.  Maintaining contact with community groups to identify volunteer opportunities for RMA members, working with the Volunteer Committee in this regard.

Special Events Committee

This Committee provides the Membership with an opportunity to participate in a wide range of events on a periodic basis. Daytime events are preferred, and at least 40 participants are needed for each event to minimize the transportation portion of the overall event cost for each individual.

The major responsibilities include securing group ticketing, restaurant accommodations, charter bus transportation, establishing event costs and notification of the status of each event, by means of a weekly announcement at the meeting, posting on the Bulletin Board, and a listing in the CBB.

Once and event has been scheduled and individually priced, the event is announced, and a list of committed and paid participants is made. When all of the tickets have been sold, a Wait List will be announced and established to replace committed and paid participants who notify that they are unable to attend the event.  Refunds will be made only for expenses that are not incurred..

On the financial side, check requests for purchases, meals, transportation expenses, including appropriate tip for the bus driver, are made to the RMA Treasurer, as needed. The checks are then distributed to the individual vendors as required or as expenses are incurred. Conversely, the RMA member ticket purchases are recorded on deposit slips, totaled and given to the RMA Treasurer for subsequent bank deposit.

On the day of the event, a trip coordinator facilitates the overall event arrangements.

Volunteer Committee


This Standing Committee will provide leadership, direction and recording of membership participation in approved volunteer activities.

Approved Volunteer Hours

Hours must be volunteered without compensation to any charitable, educational, scientific or governmental organizations to promote the common good. The Committee Chairman will be in charge of recording volunteer hours worked and reported by members and candidates at each weekly meeting. Hours accumulated but not reported at a previous meeting should be reported at the next meeting attended. 


Committee members will take turns acting as a Recorder, as assigned by the Chairman. The Recorder will list reported hours on a "member log sheet," and then report the totals.

  • Outside Agency hours by all men reporting. 

  • RMA Service hours by all men reporting. 

  • Melody Men hours, if any. 

The Recorder will be stationed at the rear entrance of the meeting room and should be on duty not later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.  The Recorder should inform the Presiding Officer of his identity before the meeting and should be ready to be called upon for his report about 25 minutes after the meeting starts.
Quarterly reports of volunteer hours by all members reporting will be calculated by the Chairman and posted on the Bulletin Board. Total hours for the "Volunteer Hours Year," will also be reported on by the Chairman.

Eligibility for Credit Hours

Members and Candidates are eligible to be credited with volunteer hours.

Volunteer Hours Year

The Volunteer Hours Year shall be the twelve month period starting October 1 of each year and ending September 30 of the next year. The retiring Chairman must deliver to the incoming Chairman the complete record of each member's volunteer hours for the previous partial Volunteer Hours Year, October 1 through April 30.


Before November 1st in each year, the Chairman of the Volunteer Committee shall provide the President with the names and total volunteer hours for approved organizations reported by the three RMA members or candidates with the greatest number of such hours for the preceding Volunteer Hours Year. Suitable certificates shall be prepared for these three persons and formally presented to them at the Annual Dinner.

The Volunteer Chairman shall also provide the President with the names of the seven RMA members with the next highest totals of volunteer hours for approved organizations for the preceding Volunteer Hours Year together with their respective hours. These seven men will be recognized and presented with their certificates for their achievements at the next regular RMA meeting next following the Annual Dinner.


Corresponding Secretary

The Corresponding Secretary shall receive all correspondence and, where appropriate, forward it to the responsible parties. He shall also acknowledge all gifts and contributions received by RMA. Ordinarily, however, Committee Chairmen will handle correspondence pertaining to their respective activities directly. In accordance with long-standing custom, it is the assignment of the Corresponding Secretary, in addition to reporting on correspondence at the weekly meetings, to relate some appropriate anecdotes, poetry, jokes and other related items of enlightenment of the Membership.

Health Committee

The Health Committee's responsibility is to advise the general membership concerning the various health services available from the many local as well as other providers.

These services include blood pressure readings by the Greenwich Health Nurses, providing 'Vial of Life" information sheets from GEMS, dates when the Town offers influenza and other inoculations and whatever other services become available that may be medically useful to our members. 


The Historian  is responsible  for maintain such documents, pictures and other memorabilia pertaining to the activities of the RMA, worth saving as being of  historical interest to the association. These records shall include, but not be limited to the following (the “Required Categories”):

  • Legal Documents: The Certificate of Incorporation and the Internal Revenue Service Determination letter and related IRS documents.

  • Minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors.  

  • The Cigar Box Bulletin  

  • The Association’s annual financial statements, the Treasurer’s Annual Report, and Audit Reports.

  • Completed Membership Application forms for those members inducted during the year, and   the annual roster. 

  • A list of members who have died during the year and who were recognized at the Memorial Service. Newspaper articles in which the RMA is featured.

  • Significant RMA events, e.g. 60th Anniversary celebration. 

  • List of Officers, Directors, and Chairs of Standing Committees. 

  • Recipients of Outstanding Service Awards. 

  • Summary of Annual Volunteer Hours and list of those who have provided the most volunteer hours. Annual Dinner Program.  

The Historian shall maintain an Index of documents archived, so that they can be readily accessed as needed.

In addition to the Required Categories, the Historian shall consult with the Third Vice President and the President to determine such other materials (the “Optional Materials’) as being of sufficient historical interest to retain.  Such may include photographs of the Annual Picnic and Annual Dinner, and such other materials that they, in their discretion determine as worthwhile keeping.

The Historian and the Chairman of the Information Technology Committee shall consult to determine the medium in which materials are maintained (hard copy, in electronic form, on the website). 

Information Technology (IT)

The IT (information Technology) Committee will evaluate all activities of the RMA to:

  • Determine where RMA records are stored, whether digital or paper, and copy those records to a consolidated RMA site – members would continue to utilize their computers as desired by them, but would be requested to send backup copies of all significant and useful documents to the person designated to maintain the RMA's Institutional Memory.

  • The goal is to provide the RMA with a single source where all such documents will be available, when desired instead of wondering what we have and who has it.  Nothing important to the RMA should be lost because that information is stored solely on a member's home computer.

  • Evaluate how IT might improve quality, efficiency, function and information backup of any RMA activities.

  • Establish priorities among the various IT projects.

  • Assign a member to write detailed project proposals.

  • Implement IT support as individual project plans are finalized.

Membership on or involvement with the IT Committee is not restricted to those who have IT experience or expertise since it requires detailed knowledge of how various RMA activities are performed.  That combination of different types of knowledge is critical to identifying and planning projects so that IT supports RMA's activities and is not disruptive or too technical.  We want to make jobs easier and provide appropriate support for all RMA activities.  In other words, we need to bring experience with RMA functions together with IT knowledge so that, together, we create a more efficient and sustainable organization.

Technology should not be implemented for its own sake.  It must support existing activities by improving and simplifying them through the application of technology. This Committee will not propose changes to current RMA practices and procedures unless it is clear that IT improves the function and that those who currently perform those functions approve the IT proposal.  At a minimum, the IT Committee will document current practices and back up the information useful to that function so that our knowledge and expertise are not lost when a new person takes on a given function. With appropriate IT support and backup records, it should be easier for new volunteers to undertake a volunteer function without a hitch, thus encouraging volunteering inside the RMA without limiting those jobs only to those with IT knowledge.


Communications within the IT Committee will largely consist of group emails to inform all parties involved with specific projects of the progress and proposed solutions.  These emails should function almost like on-line meetings, allowing the participants to focus on topics when they have time and gain from everyone's thinking on defined issues.

As and when approved by the Board of Directors, the RMA-owned laptop will be kept by the Membership Chairman.  As the "owner" of this equipment, he will contact, on a regular basis, those RMA members who have responsibility for any RMA activity requesting that they submit any documentation or records that may be useful to the future success of that activity.  The Membership Chairman will establish and maintain an RMA-owned Dropbox or other appropriate password-protected application as a backup and as a resource available to RMA officers and others who have a need to know.  The Membership Chairman will invite Dropbox members and provide access to and instructions for using the Dropbox or other appropriate password-protected application.


The Legislative Committee advises the RMA with respect to tax and other legislation and regulations relating to the RMA’s tax-exempt status and with respect to the RMA’s operations generally.  The Legislative Committee shall consist of a knowledgeable member and a Vice-President.

Meeting Safety & Emergency Response

The Committee was formed to promote awareness of fire hazards and fire warden rules and to ensure safety during our meetings.

The Fire Warden must arrange to: 

  • Have the Program Committee Presenter announce on a monthly basis the location of exits and passageways from the meeting room so that meeting attendees and guests are made aware of where to go in the event of an emergency requiring evacuation of the meeting room.

  • Have fire extinguishers in our meeting room and instruct key members in their use.

  • Periodically verify that the exit lights and alarm systems are in working order. This requires knowing the person at the facility responsible for their operation in our meeting room area. 

In addition, a Program Committee presenter shall, once a month, announce the locations of the exits and passageways from the meeting room so that meeting attendees and guests are made aware of where to go in the event of an emergency requiring evacuation of the meeting room.

Melody Men

The Melody Men is the RMA’s a choral group of about 15-25 RMA members that performs popular music for local nursing and convalescent homes and senior organizations. It has been in continuous existence since 1975. There are two concert seasons, spring and fall, each of which comprises six weeks of rehearsals, followed by 14-18 performances in a four week period.

The group is under the leadership of a director, business manager and a productions manager. The business manager handles physical arrangements and schedules dates and times of rehearsals and performances. The productions manager controls rehearsals and performances and maintains a history and a library of musical numbers. Normally, the director accompanies the group on piano and may provide original lyrics or songs for the group. 


This Committee is responsible for noting the death of a member. Due recognition is given to the possibility that the death of Member may not be known about if he resides at some distance from the Greenwich area.

The Memorials Committee shall consist of a Chairman and Vice- Chairman.

 As soon as the death of a member becomes known, the Chairman and the President shall discuss the actions to be taken to inform the RMA membership of the death and the plans for funeral or memorial services. The Chairman or Vice-Chairman shall be responsible for disseminating this information.  The Chairman shall provide the President with a proposed announcement of the death, and arrange for the delivery of a eulogy for the deceased member at the earliest possible RMA meeting.

The Chairman shall maintain the necrology files. At the RMA meeting closest to Memorial Day, he shall memorialize all members who have died during the past year. 

Music & Song

The Music and Song Committee, appoints a song leader and an accompanist for each weekly meeting.

Policies & Procedures

The RMA Policies and Procedures Manual (formerly known as the "Red Book") is designed to implement, in a practical way, the Certificate of Incorporation and By Laws of the organization.  The Manual will provide details and descriptions implementing the activities of the RMA, and will be available to Officers, the Board and Committee Chairman as a guide in carrying out their duties.  The Manual is an official document of the RMA to be voted on and approved by the Board of Directors.

The Manual will be brought up to date each year by the Committee, working in conjunction with the Officers. The Policies and Procedures Committee welcomes any suggestions to improve the functioning of the RMA, submitted in writing by any RMA member. 


The Refreshment Committee shall be responsible for arranging for refreshments at each regular meeting. No coffee or refreshments shall be served while the meeting is in session. 

Set Up & Property (Bulletin Board)

This committee is responsible for the care, handling and maintenance of certain RMA properties. The Committee Chairman (“Property Chairman”) has custody of the RMA locked storage room and its keys.

The Property Chairman will appoint a Committee member to be the Bulletin Board Monitor who will control all posted materials, including removal of outdated and potentially questionable items.

Only items of interest and information for RMA members are to be posted on the Bulletin Board.
No material that has not been specifically authorized by an Officer or a Committee Chairman should be posted.

The Monitor's judgment in items to be posted, length of time to stay posted, and removal shall be final with appeal only to the President.

Committee procedures at regular meetings are:

  • Prior to the meeting get out and set up the following:

    • Piano and bench

    • American Flag and stand

    • PA system

    • Song Books

    • Cigar boxes for collection

    • Boxes for returned name badges

    • President's bell

    • Necessary tables

    • Other equipment which may have been requested by the Program Committees.

  • During the meeting:

    • Control lighting as required for the Program, etc.

    • Control air conditioning and/or ventilation.

  • Following the meeting:

    • Return all RMA equipment to storage and secure.

    • It is suggested that the Property Chairman, upon leaving the premises, make a final survey of the meeting room to determine if anyone may have left any articles.

No RMA property may be borrowed by anyone unless it is requested through the Property Chairman, and then only if it has the specific approval of the President.

Television Production Team (The "Producers")

This is a team effort by a team of dedicated professionals. Usually on the Tuesday, prior to the RMA meeting, a member of the team picks up the television equipment at Town Hall.  Wednesday morning the Team sets up the equipment and checks it all out.  One member of the team handles the speaker mike and the sound apparatus generally and, if necessary provides audiovisual support (PowerPoint, slides film) for the speaker and the slide projector setup.  A voice recorder is set up near the speaker podium.  

After the speaker is finished, the equipment is packed up and returned to Town Hall, where the video file is loaded onto a Town computer.  A Team member takes the file off the computer and does the edit and placement of the show on the RMA web site and on the Channel 79, Fios 24 site for television viewing.

Visiting Committee

The Visiting Committee shall arrange for visits and other communications with members who are unable to attend meetings because of ill health.  The Committee shall provide fellowship, and coordinate how the RMA may assist the Member and support his well being.

This Committee shall provide a weekly report to the membership concerning:

  • The hospital confinement of a fellow member if permission to release the member's name from the hospital to RMA has been obtained.

  • Recovery progress of member ill at home.

Since this Committee member may be the first to know of the death of a member, he should immediately so notify the President and/or the Memorial Committee Chairman. For members hospitalized out of town - The Committee members shall seek information from family members if the hospitalized member wishes to have the information announced.


The Webmaster shall be responsible for maintain and updating the RMA Website, 

Activities: Sports & Recreation 

The RMA provides  the opportunity to advance fellowship among its membership by organizing athletic and recreational activities, and matters of interest to  the Membership generally,  such as Bowling, Bridge, Golf,  Investment Club, Opera Raft-Up , RMA Walkers, ROMEO ( Retired Old Men Eating Out).Each of these Activities is chaired by an appointed member of the Association. The Chairman is responsible for all aspects of the activity.

All members and Candidates may join in the activities. Non-RMA people may be called upon to fill openings to complete schedules or for other reasons.

All expenses of any Activity will be paid by those participating in that activity.

The ROMEO luncheon group is an informal gathering of RMA members who enjoy good fellowship and good food at several of the clubs in the vicinity a number of times a year. The chairman, or his designate          (typically an RMA member who is also a member of the host club) selects a club (golf, yacht, or country club) and makes all arrangements such as time, number attending, costs, etc. The place, date and cost are announced several meetings in advance, and the money is collected by the chairman or his committee who arrange all payments. The cost to the members traditionally includes tax and tips.  All RMA members and their guests, and all candidates are welcome to attend. 


RMA Dinner

The Annual Dinner is RMA's traditional social event of the year. It is attended by members, candidates, and their wives, wives of deceased members and guests. The Dinner is customarily held the Wednesday of the week prior to Thanksgiving.

DINNER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN:  According to Section 13 of the RMA By-Laws, the First Vice-President is the Chairman of the Dinner Committee. He is the Chairman for the Dinner which takes place during his term of office as Vice President, and is responsible for the preliminary arrangements for the succeeding Dinner.The Second Vice-President serves as Vice-Chairman of the Dinner Committee.

1. DINNER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN'S DUTIES: The Dinner Committee Chairman is the one person completely responsible for all the planning and organizing of all the Dinner details. As such, he and the Vice-Chairman are the sole liaisons between the RMA and the provider of the Dinner.
The Chairman will make periodic reports to the Board of Directors and Membership on the progress and details of the Dinner in accordance with this schedule:

  • January - Final report to the Board of Directors and the Membership on the Dinner held the past November. For the next Dinner, obtain Board approval for site, present cost estimates, and approval for contract signing and deposit.

  • June - Presentation to Board of tentative Dinner budget.

  • July - Obtain budget approval from the Board and from the Membership.

  • August - Obtain Board approval of the full Dinner Committee.

  • September and October-- In early September a designated member of the Dinner Committee should start lining up dinner Table Hosts first approaching and getting commitments from Table Hosts of the previous year and then proceed to find additional Table Hosts as needed.  The first announcement of the Dinner should be at the first RMA meeting following the Annual Picnic so as not to blur the distinction between the two.  The effort to obtain Table Hosts should continue until the maximum needed (in recent times approximately 25) has been reached.  In the balance of September and through October Table Hosts will: (1) fill their tables of 10 or as near thereto as possible; and (2) collect payment/meal selections from those seated at their tables.  When a Table Host has reached the maximum number of people at his table (10 or somewhat fewer) and has full payment in hand, he can then approach the appropriate Dinner Committee Representative with his Table Host form listing guests at his table and their meal selections and choose a table from the table chart maintained by the Dinner Committee. The Table Host will follow up with members assigned to their tables regarding meal selections should such not be on the Table Host form when initially submitted.  Table assignments shall be made on a first-come first-served basis, and will not be made in the absence of full payment.  Tables of less than 10 persons will be filled by those who have indicated they need a table assignment (see paragraph 2 C. below). 

  • November

2 weeks after Dinner: Final wrap-up Committee meeting.

  • December

Preliminary Dinner report to the Board and to the Membership.

Recommend site to the Board for next dinner.

At the Dinner, the Chairman (First Vice-President) will be the Master of Ceremonies, introducing the leaders for the Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and the patriotic song. He also will introduce officers and wives at the Head Table, and Past Presidents who are present at the dinner. The Dinner Committee member who had contacted the wives of former members at this time should introduce all who are present. The Volunteer Chairman will present the Volunteer Awards. The President should then be introduced for his message, followed by the music of the Melody Men. The closing remarks of the Master of Ceremonies should thank all for the success of the Dinner.

  1. ORGANIZATION OF THE DINNER COMMITTEE.  The organizing and planning is carried out by a Committee appointed by the Chairman. The Committee normally consists of 4-5 members in addition to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Delegation of the major responsibilities by the Chairman has generally been along the following lines:

    A. INVITATION TO WIVES OF DECEASED MEMBERS.  It has long been customary to invite all the wives of deceased members who are still in the area, plus those outside the area who have maintained contact with the RMA. Widows do not attend at RMA expense. They normally pay only half price. These ladies will be contacted, invited and, when an acceptance is received, they will receive a timely confirmation letter. This letter will list the time, place and date of the Dinner, along with entree selection, Table Host and Table Number.

B. COMPUTER SPECIALIST.  In order to support the orderly running of the Annual Dinner, a Computer Specialist appointed by the Chairman will be designated, who will be provided with, as soon as available, a list of Table Hosts, names of people at each table, widows attending, and a statement of sales of and receipts from, tickets.  The Computer Specialist will then print out Table Hosts, table rosters by table number, ticket holders without an assigned table number, information on widows who will be attending, meals by table, and expected attendance.  As determined by the Chairman of the Dinner Committee, letters, emails, and other notes and correspondence may be generated to support the success of the event, to be also useful in support in succeeding years

C. PRINTED PROGRAM. The Dinner Program has followed essentially the same format for a number of years. The Printed Program committeeman should compile the information and select the printer for the Program can be finalized one to two weeks before the Dinner. At the Dinner, a Printed Program is placed at each diner's place.

D. TICKET SALES.  While the Treasurer of the RMA, or his assigned Assistant, is responsible for the actual handling of all monies, the The Table Host must collect the money for all those at his table. The Table Assignment committee will confirm with Table Hosts regarding those people who do not have a Table Host, and assign them to a Table Host accordingly. When tickets are purchased, the buyer will indicate how many tickets, the first name, last name and the selected entree for each ticket. The Table Host will record this information and pass it on to the Computer Specialist.

E. NAME TAGS.  It is an RMA tradition for everyone at the Dinner to wear a name tag. A "stick-on" type has been used and found to be most effective. These name tags are printed during the week before the Dinner. On the morning of the Dinner, the name tags are spread out alphabetically on tables by the door to the Reception, and the Name Tag Committeeman assists the diners by providing and affixing adhering their name tags.

F. GREETERS.  Starting at 10:30 AM on the day of the Dinner, the Greeters will welcome diners at the front door, in the lobby, and at the entrance to the Reception. A familiar face is a helpful face to answer questions and to guide.

G. MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT: Customarily, the music and entertainment is provided by the Melody Men. At the beginning of the Dinner, a Melody Man leads the group singing of a patriotic song. At the end of the Dinner, the Melody Men entertain for about 20 minutes.

  1. RECORDS FOR THE NEXT CHAIRMAN: The Dinner Committee Chairman must retain all written information that is generated before, during and after the Dinner. This file will be given to the next Dinner Committee Chairman for his guidance.As the Chairman of the Dinner Committee sees fit, letters, email, other notes and correspondence may be generated that not only serve the purposes of insuring the success of the event but also serve to provide insights helpful to the next First Vice President with accomplishing the task the following year.  In this regard, computer generated information is encouraged.

Annual Picnic

The RMA Annual Picnic is customarily held on the second Thursday in September at the Clambake Area of Greenwich Point, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The Third Vice-President is the Chairman for the Annual Picnic and is completely responsible for the planning and management of this event. He should appoint the number of committees necessary to assist him in making this very popular annual outdoor activity a real success.

The objective of the Picnic is to give the members, candidates and guests, an opportunity to get together for a good time. The scheduling of a number of popular games and guessing contests permits everyone to mingle and get to know each other in an atmosphere of friendly fellowship. The variety of meals brought and shared adds to the festivity.

The general format and planning of the Picnic is at the discretion of the Third Vice-President. However, there are several procedures that should be followed.

  1. The Picnic date is to be approved at the January Board Meeting.

  2. The outgoing Third Vice-President is responsible for reserving the Clambake Area and the keg permit. This is done at the Parks and Recreation Office at the Town Hall, usually in mid-January.

  3. The Third Vice-President should develop in May an appropriate Budget.

  4. The Picnic permit should be received by mail from the Town by the end of February; and follow up, if not. 

  5. A full report, including all costs, should be made to the Board and the membership as soon as possible after the Picnic.

  6. It has been customary to provide beverages (beer and soft drinks), ice and fires for cooking at no charge. Attendees may bring their own food, but RMA generally provides hot dogs, rolls, potato salad, paper plates, plastic utensils, cups and napkins. Skilled and guessing games have been made available and prizes are usually awarded. Provision is made to provide some type of recorded music.

  7. The Third Vice-President acts as Master of Ceremonies during the awarding of prizes. The Annual RMA Picnic is a great social event and customarily is very well attended. In the event of extremely bad weather, no alternate date is usually planned. 


Nominating Council

The composition and functions of this Council and its timetable are in Section 9 of the RMA Bylaws.
It is recommended that the Council fully utilize the many talents of the RMA membership in nominating members for positions. The Council will check with each prospective nominee to be certain he will serve in the designated capacity. If a negative response is received, or another candidate selected for the position, there will be no embarrassment as no commitment has been made. The Nominating Council’s proposed slate will be presented no later than mid-January.

Past Presidents Association

The Past Presidents of the RMA have established an organization that meets once a year at a luncheon for the purpose of exchanging comments on events during their administration and on any other subjects of mutual interest.  The Association is not intended to serve as an advisory association to the current administration; such does not preclude the association chairman from passing on relevant "sense of the meeting" observations that have been discussed at the luncheon to the President of the RMA. The President of the RMA in turn is under no obligation to act on such comments or recommendations.

The luncheon is held at a local club or restaurant and is scheduled so as to maximize attendance. Since the Association is designed primarily around a social event it does not have to be listed with the other committees or report to an RMA officer. An internally selected Chairman and Vice Chairman handle the annual arrangements for the Association. 

Past Presidents Award

The Board of Directors has voted to approve a Past President Award.  The presentation of the award, including appropriate commentary, shall be made by the presiding officer at a regular meeting of the RMA as soon as possible following completion of the recipient's term as President. 

Outstanding Service Award 

The Outstanding Service Award was established by the RMA Board on September 4, 1985, for the purpose of recognizing any member or non-member who has made outstanding contributions to the well-being of the RMA over a number of years. This recognition will be initiated by a committee appointed by the President comprised of three recent active past Presidents who shall have sole responsibility for selecting the Awardees. This Committee shall also submit status reports to the President in September, prior to the RMA Dinner. The suggested procedure to present this award is as follows:

  • The Committee, having selected an Awardee or Awardees, shall notify the President. The award(s), in the form of a certificate properly framed and signed by the President, will be presented to the Awardee(s) at the RMA Dinner by the President. . The President will also announce the Awardee(s) to the membership at the RMA regular meeting following the Dinner. 

  • The Committee will develop a typed historical record of the recipient's accomplishments which shall be read as part of the ceremony. A copy shall be given to the Awardee(s) following the presentation.

  •  A sample of such certificate is attached hereto. If the recipient cannot be present at the RMA Dinner, the presentation will still be made, "in absentia," at both the RMA Dinner and at the next regular RMA meeting including a reading of the Awardee's accomplishments as referred to above. The Certificate and typed record will then be delivered to him.


A – Form of Agenda for Regular Meetings

Retired Men’s Association of Greenwich, Inc., 37 Lafayette Place, Greenwich, CT 06830


RMA Meeting Date: _____________ __________ __Time started: _______________ ______________

Pledge Leader: ________________ _         ___ _____Song Leader: _____________________________ 

Pianist: ________________ _____________ ______Treasurer: ________________________________

CBB Scribe: ____________ ____________________Corresp, Sectr.: ____________________________ 









Visiting__________________________Membership/Guests/Birthdays: __________________________


Inductee: _________________ Sponsor: ___________________ Sponsor: ______________________



Today’s Program Speaker ___________ ____________Introducer: ____________________________ 

Next Week’s Speaker____________________________Introducer: ____________________________ 


Volunteer Hours: ______________________________________________________________________

Special Events: ________________________________________________________________________

Bridge:              _____________              ________  _Golf: _________________________________ ____


The above form is offered for guidance only. Each President may elect to format his own form.

B – President's Monthly Reminders; May 1 - April 30


 Last Year's Treasurer's Report. 

 Names of Appointed Committees. 

 Budget information to Budget Committee. 

 Memorial Service for deceased Members. 

 Past President Award. 

 Approve Annual Dinner and Picnic Subsidy


 Review of Preliminary budget by Board. 

 Outstanding Service Award meeting (reminder). 

 Audit Committee Report. 


 Final approval of budget by Board and Membership. 

 Announce details of Picnic.


 Picnic Committee progress report 


 Picnic Committee progress report 

 Pre-planning report of Annual Dinner Committee 


 Picnic Committee report to Board and members.

 RMA birthday (10/15/54) on the 2nd meeting of the month. 

 Names of top 3 volunteers submitted to President by 10/31. 

 Progress report on Annual Dinner. 


 Final pre-Annual Dinner report to the Board, 

 Salute the 4th to the 10th top RMA volunteers at the first meeting after the Annual Dinner. 


 Preliminary report on results of Annual Dinner. 

 Suggest site for next Annual Dinner. 

 Policy and Procedure meeting during the 1st week. 

 Outstanding Service Award report to the President. 


 Final report on results of Annual Dinner. 

 Approve plan and site for next Annual Dinner. 

 Authorize payment of a deposit on the site. If Necessary.

 Select date for Annual Picnic. 

 Reminder to Third VP to obtain permit for use of Clam Bake area.


 Review and act on Policy and Procedures Committee recommendations. 


 Nominating Council announces its recommendations at the next to last meeting. 

 Elections are held at the last meeting.


 Incoming President selects chairmen for all appointed committees. 

 Incoming President selects members of the Outstanding Service Award Committee. 

 Annual meeting is held at the last meeting of the month. 

 Annual reports are submitted and the new President is inducted.

C – Committees & Activities of the RMA

List of Committees 

First Vice President.

1. Annual Dinner 

2. Audit 

3. CBB Editorial 

4. CBB Production 

5. Community Affairs and Publicity  

7. Program  

8. Special Events  

9. Video 

10. Volunteer 

11. Web Site  

Second Vice President.  

1. Melody Men 

2. Memorials 

3. Music & Song  

4. Newcomers  

5. Outstanding Service Award   

6. Policy & Procedures  

7.  President’s Book  

8. Refreshments   

9. Safety & Emergency  

10. Set-Up  

11. Visiting 

12. Widows

Third Vice President.  

1. Annual Picnic

2. Bridge 

3. Bowling

4. Golf 

5. Guys & Dolls

6. Health  

7. Historian 

8. Investment Club

9. Legislative 

10. Opera  

11. Raft-Up  

12. Retired Old Men Eating Out (R.O.M.E.O.) 

13. Tax Counseling 

14. Tennis  

15. Walkers 

D - CBB Format


1) As scribes, recording the 60-year history of RMA, week by week, we are committed to “strive for perfection”. Accuracy of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and spelling members’ names correctly are essential. Type in 12-point, unless you plan to produce a wordy CBB, in which case go down to 10, 8, or even 6 point. See point 18 below in this regard.

2) You have to space down 10 spaces (2 1⁄4” to 2 1⁄4”) to allow room for the header.  The producers of both the digital version and the print edition already have these headers. They will insert them into that space. 

3) Type your first line, always only in black and white. Avoid using colors throughout your CBB. Your first line will record the Volume number, the Number of the CBB, and the date. The next line, two spaces down, may or may not include a quotation that you have selected. This is optional.

4) CAPITAL LETTERS are used whenever you mention the name of a member. We do not capitalize the names of guests or candidates.

5) A current roster of RMA members is used as our ONLY reference to assure ourselves that we have spelled each member’s name correctly. This is important.

6) The RMA president will hand you an agenda. Notice the names of each of the announcers who will be speaking from the lectern. Be sure he hands it to you before he rings the bell to open the meeting. Vet those spellings against the membership roster, which is your only guideline for accurate spellings.

7) Normally, the first event in each meeting is the Pledge of Allegiance. The name of the president and the name of the pledge leader are mentioned here.

8) Then, the names of the song leader and the piano player are mentioned, as well as the names of the songs.

9) Next, the corresponding secretary gives his report. Since he no longer receives postcards and letters from traveling members, he has become our joke teller. Use your discretion in recording it, and be brief. 

10) Names of the announcers are given on the agenda in turn, and each will hand you a paper including the information they have announced. Be sure you get a paper from each announcer and scan over it right away to be sure it is legible. If you’re unsure of what it says, call the announcer to come back, or nail him at the break. You have to rely only on what he has written to create your CBB.

11) “Returnees”: The president announces the names of those members who have come back from travels, and where they have traveled.

12) Committee Reports are the next section. Included here are the following:

 a) “Visiting “includes the names of all who are ill, their location and their status.

 b) “Memorial” if any member has recently passed away.

 c) “Program”— as briefly as possible, the member who announces the name and the subject of today’s speaker; and the member who announces the name and subject to next week’s speaker. You add details about the speakers later; see point 14 and 16 below.

 d) “Membership”: The name of the member who announces the attendance numbers, separated into number of members, of candidates, and of guests. The names of members celebrating birthdays are recorded, and their ages.

 e) “Induction”: If a candidate for membership is to be proposed, his sponsors come to the lectern with him, give a thumbnail biography of the man, and let the membership vote him in as a new member. We are to include each sponsor’s name, the candidate’s name plus a very brief summary of his resume.

 f) “Volunteer Hours” are reported separately for outside activities and for RMA work, plus the name of the member who served the most hours.

 g) “Special Events” are announced, but we report these later (see point 15 below).

13) The games section is next. They include reports from the groups for golf, bridge, tennis, etc. We record scores, number of players and names of winners.

14) After the coffee break, you return to take notes on today’s speaker, including their name, their subject and a brief summary of two or three main points. 

15) The “special events” information goes here. See previous CBB for format only, but rely on the information included on the paper that the announcer hands you. Don’t try to short cut by cutting and pasting from a previous CBB. Include the information that checks are to be drawn to RMA, and that the events are open to members, their ladies, candidates and guests. We list here the names and phone number of the chairs of Special Events.

16) Finally, just the name and the subject of next week’s speaker. Then your name as scribe of the day goes on the next to last line.

17) The last line is an instruction to click on “” to visit our website and our Presidents Book; also on “”

18) E-mail to me, what you have written. Save in a Microsoft Word document in such a way that you can retrieve it and make changes. I will proofread it Wednesday evening and send back to you any corrections that you will need to make. When you have entered these corrections into your draft, e-mail the corrected draft to Chet Risio who produces the print edition, and to Gene Schwartz and Fred Waldron who produce the digital edition. Please send a copy to me, too. Fred and Gene enhance what you send them, adding larger fonts, more spacing between sections, and colors. Chet prints exactly what you e-mail to him, and puts this in the tray on the table in back, for guests, candidates, and members who may have been absent.

George Stockbridge, Chief Scribe

September 8, 2015

E – Membership Form



NAME: _______________________________________ NICKNAME (IF ANY); ___________________

ADDRESS: ___________________________________ TEL: _________________________________

TOWN: _________________________________ ZIP: __________ YEARS IN GREENWICH; ______

DATE OF BIRTH: ____________ PLACE OF BIRTH: ________________ DATE RETIRED: ________

EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________

SINGLE: [ ]; WIDOWED: [ ]; MARRIED [ ]; WIFE NAME/NICKNAME: ________________________

SPONSORS: (1): ______________________________2) ___________________________________

How many years have you known Sponsor #1:___________________Sponsor #2____________________

COLLEGE/HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: _____________________________________________________

OTHER SCHOOLING/TRAINING: _________________________________________________________

FORMER PROFESSION/OCCUPATION: _____________________________________________________

COMPANY AFFILIATION OR SELF-EMPLOYED: _____________________________________________

LAST OR PRINCIPAL POSITION HELD IN COMPANY: _______________________________________

COUNTRIES AND/OR UNUSUAL PLACES VISITED: __________________________________________


AVOCATIONS/SPORTS/HOBBIES: ________________________________________________________


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Christ Church Greenwich

Parish Hall

254 E Putnam Avenue directions

Greenwich, CT 06830

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Greenwich RMA

152 E Putnam Avenue #12

Cos Cob, CT 06807

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