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Retired Men's Association of Greenwich | Dedicated to good fellowship, community service, and fun |
The Cigar Box Bulletin (CBB) is the association's weekly newsletter, dating back to the 1950s. The CBB team works every week to write and publish an informative, 10-15 page illustrated bulletin for our members. The CBB is the official record of all matters covered at our regular Membership meetings, including announcements, helpful tips, jokes, news of activities, brief biographies and pictures of new members, and a summary of the weekly public talk. The CBB Chairman supervises and edits each week’s edition in order to ensure its accuracy. It is distributed by email to all members by the Publicity Chairman.
We can truly use new members to join the CBB team as "scribes," who assemble a description of each Membership meeting and speaker, from various submissions. It is a great way to interact with many leading members of the RMA. Each scribe performs this duty once or twice per quarter.
Here are a set of sample issues from October 2024 plus the Special Issue covering the 70th Anniversary Banquet in November. (These samples omit contact information such as email addresses which are, however, provided to members.)