Member Profiles

Member Profiles are intended to allow RMA Members to get to know one another better. Unfortunately, we often learn details about a Member after they have gone and the opportunity to talk with about those details is lost. We hope that these Profiles will stimulate conversations around these interesting facts of a Member’s life that we might not learn from our ordinary interactions.

We have also included Member’s Human Interest stories that focus on a single event in a Member’s life instead of the larger scope of the Member’s life expressed in the Profiles.

In the interest of personal security on the internet, these Profiles will be emailed separately to RMA Members upon request and will not be available to the general public through the CBB or the website. Profiles are to be used solely for individual consumption by Members and their spouses, and for NO OTHER PURPOSE! Do not re-publish.

If you wish to receive a copy of a Member Profile after its initial publication, please email a request by name to the RMA Archivist. Currently, the Archivist is Tad Larrabee – Click Here to request a Member Profile or call 203-637-4023.

Members are invited to write their profiles or human interest stories and submit them for publication through Jack Weir Click Here.

Member Profiles of RMA Members:

Achiwa, Nicki
Arturi, Peter
Bishop, Bob
Bonaparte, Mario
Burleson, Dave (deceased 2017)
Cahill, Tom
Cantwell, Ron
Dowling, Joe
Farrarese, Mike
Gabriel, Serge
Gibian, Gerry
Gunzburg, Alan
Hayden, Mike
Jander, Klaus
Keeler, Paul
Krohn, Maurice
Lessuk, Gerry
Mackay, Jim
Marasso, Sam
Morgan, Bob
Risio, Chet
Rivel, Av
Scarpa, Frank
Shaffir, Kurt
Schieferdecker, Peter
Schwendeman, Jerry
Stockbridge, George
Twitchell, Harry
Ubogy, George
Uhry, Pete
Van Aken, Carl
Viggiano, Ralph
Wylie, Bob